Ethelind Coblin Architect

loading 340 Riverside Drive

340 Riverside Drive

Following the decline of many structures along Riverside Drive during the 1960s and 70s, a newly active Board of Directors acted as general contractor, working with us to breathe life back into the 1920s Spanish-inspired interior. With a limited budget, we helped to prioritize the following interventions: French limestone walls were reset, cleaned and polished with slightly beveled joints. Travertine and terrazzo floors were refinished, restoring daylight’s reflections. Existing metal work at the doors and windows was replaced. We designed a new bench, concierge podium and mailbox enclosure elaborating upon the existing design and detailing. Subtle paint finishes enhance coffer, beam and medallion details. The Board’s conviction, contractor’s craftsmanship, and our attention to detail provided the right synthesis to increase the value of the building and its residences.